Tuesday, November 29, 2011

100th Post

Helloooooo....It's been awhile. I've been purposely avoiding doing this post for several  one weeks (it feels like more than a week) now. Since it's my 100th I felt it really deserved to be something profound or totally awesome or super interesting . And as of late I haven't had any thing profound, totally awesome, or super interesting to post about. Life has just been kind of uneventful. Not bad uneventful. Just content and comfortable. Which when I think about it, is kind of profound,  awesome, and interesting. I started this blog way back in February as a form of self care. I was going through a rough patch and thought it was something that might help. An outlet. And here we are 10 months later and things are soooo much better. Getting here had it's ups and downs, but I'm finally in a place where I feel like I have control of my anxiety. Sure I'm medicated (:p) but I'm much more accepting of that fact now. Before it was something that I was really not okay with. My workplace is much healthier than the one I was in and I'm happier because of it. I've made some changes in my lifestyle to improve my personal health. I ran my first 5k this month and I've lost almost 20 pounds since June! Things with Brian are fantastic, as always, and I'm so grateful for the support he has given me while I've dealt with everything.

I have confidence now that I am capable of handling my anxiety, and life challenges in general. Sure things haven't been easy and there were times I wasn't sure if I would ever feel like myself again. But here I am, dealing and doing pretty well.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sickness Sucks

Blehhhhhhhhhhh... That's how I feel right now. I'm sick. Thought I could avoid all those nasty little germs from my runny-nosed 3rd graders with a flu shot and frequent hand-washing, but alas, no. I think it may be due to the weakening of my immune system courtesy of my 5k last weekend. Yes, I ran my 5k. RAN the whole time. Finished in 45 minutes and some-odd seconds. Not as fast as I would have liked, but dang if that path in Shawnee Mission Park isn't hilly! Here's a "lovely" pic of me getting my run on.

I started feeling sick the day after my run. I think it might of been because it was really freakin' cold and windy before we started running. Then I got hot while I was running. Then cold again while waiting for Brian to finish. But who knows. Trudged through work yesterday as I did not have any sub plans ready and cannot pop into school when I'm sick like I did last year. I got stuff together for a sub and stayed home today. Sure glad I did because I feel like ass. Gonna have to go back tomorrow though. Too much to do!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

When you love someone...

When you love someone their little quirks and flaws are cute and endearing. When you love someone small mistakes they make are quickly (sometimes not so quickly) forgiven. When you love someone you are willing to accept them for all of the good and the bad. Until they leave an ink pen in their pocket that you don't discover until you take clothes out of the dryer and it ruins your favorite gray tank top, purple tank top, and work pants. I'm going shopping.