Monday, April 18, 2011


I just had to Google how to spell shmorgishborg for my blog title. I never knew that's how you spell it, but isn't it a fun looking word?!? I'm calling my blog shmorgishborg tonight because I got a lot of randoms to blog about.

First of all dinner tonight consisted of leftovers of a truly delicious meal we had last night so I don't have a recipe to share. Braised pork spare ribs (AB's recipe), corn on the cob, baked beans (a recipe Brian had), and leftover sezchwan green beans from Encore. Here's a pic from last night. It was just as yummy reheated.

That's Brian takin' a big ol' bite in the background. Oh I forgot last night I had a baked potato instead of green beans.

After today we have 5 Mondays of school left. That's 5 weeks and 2 days and it is going to be BUSY! I have one more set of state assessments, Chris and Jessica's wedding, and a bunch of other school related and life odds and ends to take care of.  One of which is tapering off and finishing Lexapro. The past couple of days I've felt a bit nervous about it. I feel ready, but what if I'm not? What if I have weird side effects? Or worse, panic attacks again? That was so horrible and I don't ever want to feel like that again. I asked a friend of mine today about what it was like for her when she went off Lexapro. She said going cold turkey had some weird side effects, but weaning off was fine. I know it will be okay and I will be okay. I think my nervousness can also be attributed to the stress of this time of year. State assessments are rough and my class did shitty so it's extra rough. Plus my job security is in question again this year since I am still not tenured. Makes for a lot of worry.

But. I have a lot of really fun things to look forward to in the next few months and I'm trying to concentrate on that rather than stressing about what COULD go wrong. It all goes back to being a possiblitarian, and I think that's a good thing to be. :o)

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