Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Need A J-O-B

Let the application process begin! I spent ALL DAY yesterday filling out job applications. I got a few done, but there are still more to do. I'm really hoping this whole thing falls into place quickly. Not having a plan makes me nervous and it's hard to enjoy my summer knowing I don't have something to go back to in August. I forgot what a pain in the ass applying for jobs is. Every application wants basically the same thing but there are enough little differences that cause you to have to do about an hour of extra work per application. Now a days most are online applications which is nice, until you get to the part where they want you to upload a copy of every document EVER! I had to order a digital official transcript for $10 yesterday so I could upload it to an application. Fancy? Yes. Effective use of the paper transcript in my credential file that I have already paid for? No. I also had to go out to Copy Co.(twice; it didn't work the first time) to scan my teaching license so I would have a PDF to attach.  I still have more I should be working on today. At least 3 that I know of and possibly more if I find them.

Right now I'm getting ready to head to KC to hang out with Brian. He has been at Crown Center all week for a radar conference. He has some down time today so we're going to Union Station. Princess Diana's dress is still there so I think we're going to see that and have lunch. Tonight I'm going to Topeka to see Bridesmaids with Mom, Oscar, and Jess. I'm really excited about it. It's supposed to be hilarious. Friday I'm having lunch with one of my student's parents. She wants to know the story of how it all went down. I'm hoping it's the last time I will have to tell it. I'm ready to move on.

It's day 2 of summer vacation and it doesn't even feel like it. It's been storming and tornadoes every where all week. I'm ready to get out on the boat and get my tan on. Maybe next week!

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