Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Technology makes me fussy....

Or rather technology makes me fussy when it doesn't work how I want it to! So I recently got an iphone. It's an iphone 3 and I got it used from my sister. Nothing too exciting. But I didn't have to pay for it! I haven't really done anything too fancy on it. Not even uploaded my music. I have an ipod. It works just fine for music. Well at least it did. Yesterday I got my ipod out of my purse to upload some recent itunes purchases. When I pulled it out of my purse I discovered that it was starting to come apart a little around the the top. You know? Where the white face meets the silver back. So I tried to push it back together hoping it would just click in place. It clicked alright. Or should I say cracked? My video ipod (that I have had for like 5 years) now has a rainbow swirly all over the screen. I would take a picture to show you but it's in the back room where Brian is playing WOW and I was already fussy with him due to my technology frustrations so I'm just gonna let him be.

Anyway. Since my ipod is temporarily crapped out(I say temporarily because Brian says it will still work we just need to buy a new screen) I decided now would be a good time to put music on my iphone. Easier said than done.

A couple of years ago when I got a new laptop I had to transfer my itunes library to my new computer, and things did not exactly work out. There were a few songs and playlists that did not make the switch. For whatever reason ( I think it was because they were songs my sister had burned for me which she probably downloaded from napster or something sketch like that) these few songs will not play on my new laptop. It says that itunes can't find the file. So the only place I can listen to them is on my ipod. Which is now broken. Still following? Since the songs are not in my itunes library anymore I can not upload them on my iphone. Not only can I not upload those few songs, I can't upload my whole library because it's too big. My video ipod has plenty of room. iphone is too small.

What's a girl to do? Well my hero, geeky, boyfriend Brian showed up just in time yesterday to come to my aid. He was able to plug my ipod into his computer and put my music on our external hard drive. Awesome, right? So today I was able to put the "lost stuff" back into my itunes. However, when I tried to upload the "lost stuff" playlist onto my iphone things got complicated. The playlist would not show up, but some of my songs did. Several are not on there. Brian tried to help explain to me how to go about synching your music with your iphone, but none of it made sense and I got fussy. I mean real fussy. Why does apple have to make it so complicated?!? I just want the music I want on my iphone! Or my ipod to be fixed. Whichever comes first.

I still don't have every thing I want on my iphone. I gave up. I figured good enough for listening to on our road trip next weekend, plane trip in 2 weeks, and on vacation. Who knows, maybe I can have a new screen by then.

It's times like this that make me miss CD's and my Disc- man. Or even cassette tapes! At least I could touch my music and knew where it was! Not just floating around in cyberspace.....I think I need a snack and to go to bed...:o/

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I want to ride my bicycle..AKA DANG!

Well for my first day back on yesterday went okay. I kept within my calorie allowance and even burned some playing on the Kinect in the afternoon. I kinda messed up in the evening when Brian and I went to 3 spoons. I had enough calories for frozen yogurt but when I added sliced strawberries, dark chocolate chips, and a teeny bit of hot fudge to my  cup of chocolate vanilla swirl I went over by like 100. Whoops! Brian said it was okay and pretty good for my first day.

Today I decided to go on a bike ride after breakfast for some exercise. It was...interesting...I headed over to the Prairie Park Nature Trail again and went all the way around that. When I was coming back home I had a little trouble at the stop lights at 23rd and Harper and 23rd and Haskell. Stupid things wouldn't change so I could go across the crosswalk! Waited for like 5 light cycles at each intersection before I said screw it and went south down Haskell to get on the bike trail. Took that up to 15th and then back down Haskell, then 19th, then home. I calculated the miles using google maps. 9.4 miles! Took me 95 minutes. I put it in livestrong as leisure bicycling (under 10 mph) and it says I burned 618 calories! Woo-hoo!

Now I'm really hungry. I think I'll fix lunch here soon. Thinking about going to the pool today. We'll see. That place is always crawling with kids I know. Wish I had a small, less crowded pool to go to. I need to find a friend with one!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Too much booty in the pants.

I just returned from spending a lovely weekend in Hutchinson, Kansas for my good friend, Katie's wedding. It was wonderful. I had a great time hanging out with Katie and was so happy to be apart of her day. She looked beautiful and I know that she and Louie will be so happy together!

Now returning home? Not as happy. I've been feeling....let's a FAT ASS lately. Super chubs. Chunky monkey. Too much junk in the trunk. My badonk is outta control. And not just my badonk. My belly, hips, thighs, arms, FACE! Even my face feels fat. So last night when I went to the bathroom I decided to step on the scale and lo and behold I'm back to the weight I was before I lost a few lbs earlier this year. So crap. It comes as no surprise. I've been eating like a pig lately. But this chunk is not welcome. It cannot stay. I've got to do something about it!

But the doing something is the hard part. As far as the exercise goes I have plenty of time. Hello?? Teacher. Not working 'til August! I did go to Dog Days a couple of times. But I have to get up at 5:30!!!! LIKE IN THE MORNING. That's too early for me in the summer time. So that's an obstacle. I just have to exercise on my own at a more reasonable hour. But then the question is, what do I do? I have a bike. I like to bike. That's an option. Running is out. I don't move quickly unless something is chasing me. We have a Kinect and a pretty fun dance game. There's a idea. Or I could go over to our "gym" at our apartment. Swimming is an option too. I guess I got exercise figured out.

Now the eating. Man I love eating. I love food. I love tasty food. I love to cook and eat and be full and happy. I know I can still eat and be full and happy while trying to lose weight. I just need to make better choices. That's not hard. I know what's good and what's bad. It's just that the bad is sooooo yummy! I have a account that I started using a few months ago. I have not kept up. I can use it to track my calories and make sure I'm being smart. I just need to stick with it.

And then there's Brian who should win the award for most supportive boyfriend EVER! He thinks I'm pretty even if I feel like a beached whale. He tells me he'll do whatever I need him to while I try to remove some booty. AND he's super nice about it. He asked what he should say to help me not cheat with out being bossy. Gosh I love him.

I know I've had a blog like this before with all my grand weight loss plans that puttered out when things got rocky and I got distracted. But things are not rocky now. Things are the opposite of rocky. Smooth sailing. Great boyfriend, great family, great friends, great new job. Not too many distractions. I can stick with it. Here I go!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

30 Day Challenge

I know that it seems I have abandoned my 30 Day Challenge I started at the beginning of this month, but I swear I've been doing new recipes! Just doing a crappy job of blogging about them. I've been a little preoccupied. Got a new job, moving stuff into my new classroom, prepping for the bajilllion trips we're taking this summer, and reeling from Lexapro DTs :p. I think I will do a massive food blog come here soon with the recipes I've done. When I get around to it....

Right now, this is what I'm doing:

Tonight my mom is coming over with my dad's truck so we can load it and Brian's truck up with my classroom stuff to be brought to it's new home tomorrow. I'm staying over at my folks and going to fill out paperwork at the district office in the morning. Then Brian will head to town after his work meeting to help me unload in the afternoon.

Friday we leave for Hutch for Katie and Louie's wedding. It should be a fun weekend.
Dang they look good!

Next weekend is  4th of July--party at Chris and Jess's.

Last year (obviously)

The following weekend is little Miss Reygan's birthday which should be outstanding!
She's so cute!

THEN! When we get back from Illinois we leave for Montana for 2 weeks of camping at Glacier!
Me and my super hot camping buddy!
Good God! Summer is going to go by so fast. At least it's all fun stuff. In the next few weeks I plan to use my weekday afternoons to work on classroom stuff. Should keep me plenty occupied. Then eventually I will hit you with my 30 day challenge recipes!